H&H Classic Parts - A-Arm Dust Shields

Chassis & Suspension Parts - A-Arm Dust Shields

Some people say that you don't necessarily need control arm dust shields. Those are the ones that will end up having to work their brake system sooner than those who know that they are very important parts. Without them your Classic Chevy Camaro will not only look incomplete, but its braking system is going to start to wear out faster. After all, everyone knows that water makes metal rust and dirt and dust are very abrasive causing metal to wear down quickly. Why would you want to do anything that is going to cost you more time and money later on when you can prevent it now with a minimal amount of money? And remember, don't hesitate to call us at (479)787-5575 with any questions about these A-Arm dust shields or any of our other parts. If you don't have time for a phone call you can also submit an inquiry with your question. We're happy to help answer any question that you might have!

Browse A-Arm Dust Shields Products

Items 1-4 of 4
Description: 1967-1968 Camaro
Item #: 42411
Condition: New
Limited Supply: Only 0 Left!
Price: $13.95
Description: 1969 Camaro
Item #: 42412
Condition: New
Limited Supply: Only 2 Left!
Price: $23.95

Description: 1970-1981 Camaro
Item #: 42415
Condition: New
Limited Supply: Only 0 Left!
Price: $13.95
Repops - Inner Fender to Cowl Dust Shield
No Image Available
Description: 1967-1969 Camaro
Item #: 42414
Condition: New
Limited Supply: Only 0 Left!
Price: $5.95
Items 1-4 of 4

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