1958-1970 Classic Impala Online Catalog

Now you can browse our current Impala catalog online. Looking for classic Chevy Impala and El Camino parts but don't want to wait on a hardcopy of our catalog to show up? Now you can browse our current Impala and El Camino catalog without having to lick your finger to turn the pages! With just the click of the mouse you can zoom in, zoom out, see descriptions, fitment, full color images, and literally flip through all of the pages to browse all of the classic Chevy Impala and El Camino restoration parts that we have to offer. All on one web page! Note: Due to size, the catalog may take a minute to load. We appreciate your patience.

Quality parts at great prices and with the fastest shipping! We strive to provide the best parts available to the industry for your old Impala. We have many suppliers providing items to H&H Classic Parts and we have stringently vetted the products that they supply to us to make sure that you get the best quality products. We also price our parts extremely competitively so you’re not only getting a great quality part when you order, you’re also getting that part at some of the best prices in the industry. When you consider the quality of the part that you’re getting and our great prices, then combine those things with H&H having extremely fast shipping then there’s really no reason not to move forward with your order! And an added bonus is the fact that we offer excellent service before and after the sell. If you have any questions about our parts or installation then feel free to give us a call. After all, we’re not just order-takers. We’re classic car and truck people as well!