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Front Floor Pan LH


1959-1960 Impala or Bel-Air or Biscayne
Limited Supply: only 2 remaining
Pricing: $117.95


Front floor pan under your feet. Made in USA.

The second generation of the Chevrolet Impala was reworked to make them heavier and longer. They were constructed on an X-frame, and they had a much sleeker look than the first generation. The 1959 and 1960 Chevy Impala came in four body styles, and if you are restoring one of these classic Chevrolets, then you may need to redo sheet metal parts like the floor pans, as well. H&H Classic has the right restoration part for your Impala.

This left side front floor pan fits all models of the 1959 and 1960 Impala. It is made to replace a floor pan that may have been rusted out from sitting in the elements. The floor pan is designed to sit under the carpet and is the protection between feet and road. It helps to keep water and road debris out of the body. It is a reproduction part that has been made in the United States by EMI USA. EMI is a leader in aftermarket reproduction sheet metal parts for classic cars. H&H Classic can help you with your Impala project. We provide free technical assistance from our experienced staff, so if you have a question about which part to use, we can answer it. We offer a large selection and low prices on our 1959 to 1960 Chevy Impala parts.


Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 7.6 lbs.
  • W26.0000” x H5.0000” x L30.0000”
  • $10.00

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