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Rear Floor Pan RH


1959-1960 Impala or Bel-Air or Biscayne
Limited Supply: only 4 remaining
Pricing: $123.95


Rear floor pan under your feet. Made in USA.

1959 and 1960 were the second generation of the Chevy Impalas, and these classic Chevys underwent some body changes. They were designed to be sleeker and heavier, and the roofline was lower. They are still a favorite among car enthusiasts, and if you are restoring one of these classics, then you may need to replace sheet metal that has become damaged due to long times sitting in elements or garages. H&H Classic has all the Impala parts you need for your project.

This is a right rear floor pan that fits all the Impala models of 1959 and 1960. Sheet metal can rust if the car has been sitting out for any length of time, so you want to replace any sheet metal that may lead to a defect in the structural integrity of the vehicle. This pan is a barrier between you and the road. It has been manufactured by EMI USA in the United States by a company that specializes in replacement sheet metal for classic cars. They also do steel bodies and airplane parts. EMI USA has been in business since the 1950s. You will find that H&H Classic carries a large selection and low prices on our replacement parts for your second generation Impala. We also have fast shipping and easy returns on all of our parts.


Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 7.6 lbs.
  • W24.0000” x H5.0000” x L26.0000”
  • $10.00

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