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Trunk Lid Panel & Taillight Cove Trim Inserts


1964 Impala SS
Not Available
Was: $339.95
Sale: $305.96
Save: 10%
Save: $33.99


Great reproduction metal insert with machined swirl finish. Made in USA.

  • Comes with center panel
  • Two quarter panel cove panels

The 1964 Chevrolet Impala SS has been a very popular car from the moment it rolled out of the factory. With its C pillar and convertible roof styling, this year became a collectible. If you are working on restoring your 1964 Impala SS, then you want to add parts that are designed specifically for this year's models. H&H Classic carries parts to help you with your project.

This trunk lid panel and taillight cover trim inserts will really set your car apart. This is a great reproduction metal insert with machined swirl finish that will fit the 1964 Chevrolet Impala SS. It is created by Specialty Graphics, and it will not only add class to your car, it will protect the trunk area. While paint can be chipped when hit by road hazards like rocks, you will not need to worry about your paint when you add metal to the trunk area. This is the same style as the original and includes the pieces for the taillights as well as the trunk lid. Specialty Graphics delivers reproduction trim pieces for classic cars. 



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  • $16.00

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