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Rear Floor Pan LH


1959-1960 Impala or Bel-Air or Biscayne
Limited Supply: only 1 remaining
Pricing: $123.95


Rear floor pan under your feet. Made in USA.

The 1959 and 1960 Chevrolet Impalas were the second generation of these classic Chevys. They were mounted on an X-frame chassis and both years were restyled extensively. 1959 was sleeker and 1960 became a more conservative style. If you are restoring any of these popular cars, you may need to replace sheet metal that has been destroyed from years of neglect or storage. H&H Classic can help you with all your Impala restoration parts needs.

This is a left side rear floor pan, and it fits all models of the 1959 and 1960 Impala. It replaces the floor pan that may have been damaged or rusted from time spent in storage or out in the elements. Since it is steel, it can become damaged. The floor pan is a barrier between the road and the interior of the car. This floor pan has been manufactured by EMI USA in the United States, and it is a reproduction part that fits your Impala. EMI has been making reproduction sheet metal parts for classic cars for years. They have been in business since the 1950s, and they also make airplane parts. You will find all the reproduction parts you need for your 1959 or 1960 Chevy Impala here because we have a large selection and low prices. We offer fast shipping and easy returns.


Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 7.6 lbs.
  • W24.0000” x H5.0000” x L26.0000”
  • $10.00

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