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Power Brake Booster with Bendix Brakes


1967-1972 Chevy Truck or GMC Truck
Limited Supply: only 1 remaining
Was: $189.95
Sale: $170.96
Save: 10%
Save: $18.99


Great rebuilt brake booster. Recolored to factory specs.

The second generation of Chevy trucks began in 1967 and continued until 1972, and this revision of the C/K line became known as the Action Line. Chevy added a sleeker body and power options that allowed these trucks to handle better for both work and home. If you are restoring one of the half-tons that were built during these years, you will want to update the brake booster, and H&H Classic has the brake booster to fit your truck with Bendix brakes.

Power brakes were a new idea in the second generation of C/K trucks, and the power brake booster is an integral part of the braking system. This rebuilt brake booster fits all models of half-ton trucks from 1967 through 1972 that are equipped with Bendix brakes. This brake booster has been rebuilt, and it is re-colored to factory specifications. It is a product of H&H Classic Parts, which is a recognized parts manufacturer of reproduction parts and accessories for classic Chevys. They have been in business for over 30 years, and they are owned and operated by a family who has been in the automotive industry since the early 1970s. They are committed to great products at great prices with the fastest shipping times. If you are unsure of what booster you need, we are here to answer your questions. Take advantage of H&H Classic's free technical assistance from our experienced staff to get the answers you need. You will also like our fast shipping and easy returns.



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