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Wiper Transmission LH (Rebuilt)


1957 Bel-Air or 210 or 150
Not Available
Shipping: There is a $50 core charge that has been added to this item. The core charge is refundable once we recieve your old wiper transmission back and determine if it can be rebuilt.
Was: $55.95
Sale: $50.36
Save: 10%
Save: $5.59


Rebuilt wiper transmission. Each transmission has been disassembled, cleaned, and cables replaced. You will be charged a $50 core charge per unit that will be refunded when your old one has been returned and verified that it is rebuildable.



Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • $50.00
  • There is a $50 core charge that has been added to this item. The core charge is refundable once we recieve your old wiper transmission back and determine if it can be rebuilt.

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